Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Sleeping with students is bad?!?

Not only that, it's illegal...

I'm appalled this is even the case, but according to this news article, a Victorian judge thinks it is not clear enough to teachers that this is illegal. The judge also thought that schools needed to make clearer the consequences of sleeping with students, which is not only offensive and morally reprehensible.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but his own morals and the cultural norms in which he lives should already have laid out the expected behaviour for this fool.

But hey, if we need to cater to these idiots to drill the message home who am I to say? They mention that Victoria is a nanny state, and with us pandering to the moronic minority I'm starting to agree with the notion.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Wii is evil

A tragic news story about a three year old girl who shot herself in the stomach because she mistook a handgun for a Wii controller. Video games insiders claim that the government is conducting secret experiments by implanting subliminal control in video game feeds to do inexplicable things. Yesterday, after playing his Xbox, a teenage boy was encouraged to take his father's credit card and purchase a GM car. Several weeks ago, in the midst of a frenzied COD 4 deathmatch one college girl went and spent her college loan on shares in GMAC.

Further proof that video games are bad for you.

This is the second Wii related death that I've heard of, the first being a woman who died whilst in a competition holding in her 'wee for a Wii'.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Laundry is bad

In the news today - A woman was killed in Hong Kong when she was struck down by a 74 year-old pensioner, who had slipped off her 27th floor balcony while collecting her clothes.

A couple of things become glaringly obvious.

Firstly, laundry is hazardous to your health. I hate hanging, collecting and folding the wash. Now I know why. Apparently, one must stay vigilant of falling down the laundry chute and breaking your neck, which ranked ahead of accidentally mistaking a handgun for a telephone and blowing your head off in the top 600,000 killers of American people.

Secondly, we now have another use for the elderly. That's right, as kamikazee contract killers. What wasn't reported was that the husband of the victim had put out a hit on his wife to the sum of US$5,000. Using pensioners reduces the strain on government coffers by lifting the over-reliance on the pension; provide financial freedom to self fund funerals; gives further assistance to the family of the pensioner for particularly lucrative contracts; all while having a favourable effect on the nation's unemployment figures.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Stand or sit

I'm finding myself having to face the old conundrum of "stand up or sit down". I am of course speaking of travelling on Melbourne public transport and the dilemma arises when I have a seat but then notice a woman - now don't think I am sexist, I also keep an eye out for the elderly too (now I'm sexist AND ageist) - and I have to stop and think

"stand up" and offer my seat or
"sit down" and ignore it.

It wouldn't be a problem, except I was brought up that common courtesy was to allow a woman to sit. Now my intention is not to suggest that a woman is incapable of standing up for 20 minutes in a train, but I actually didn't mind when people had manners and did things like this. I don't think any less of women who'd rather sit than stand. But there have been instances where I've been shot down for doing this and have ended up feeling a fool on several occasions for what is, for all intents and purposes, a kindly gesture. Yes, I suppose its roots are derived from that, but when I do it it's not because I think they're weak.

Next time, I'll just manhandle and force them into the chair so that I'd plainly be assaulting them rather than being a chauvanist.

Speaking of chauvanists, I noticed Tony Abbot made another gaffe saying that most ironing is done by women. He based this on the fact that in his household, his wife did the ironing. I don't know about him, but I tend to iron my own damn shirts. He would do a lot better if he either censored what he said before he spoke, or just spoke less. Of course, I wish Kevin Rudd would speak less. I have simply tuned out to the meaningless crap that comes from his mouth and this was highlighted as he was being grilled by Australia's youth. Broken election promises and a lack of authenticity will be his legacy. But then again, I was never a fan.

I was happier to read old news about two girls dancing in bikinis on top of a crocodile cage. Not that it is a terribly smart thing to do, but at least it's not Australian politics.


Sunday, October 4, 2009

Great big stuff!

I saw the Dirty Rotten Scoundrels Broadway musical the other night. I can't believe I'd never heard of it before. I laughed my way through the entire thing. It is definitely a talented writer who can use the words "smorgasboard" and "Lorenzo Lamas" in musical verse.

Of course, the Freddy character stole the show. I loved the Great Big Stuff number and he could just let loose with playing Ruprecht.

Ruprecht's all about
Sun and soda-pop,
Paws on puppy-dogs, candy-canes,
Ruprecht's all about
Chocolate bunnies and
Lazy afternoons and daisy-chains.

Ruprecht's all about hugs and

-Milkshake enemas-

-Fun and play.
Ruprecht's all about-

-Burmese belly-rubs,
Fresh-shaved testicles
On Christmas day.

I love it!

And now for something completely different.
I've had this gloom hanging over me in 2009. After losing two pregnancies this year, I feel like it's finally lifting. It could be part of the mourning process which I never really consciously tried to get work through. As with most things I do, I let it happen organically and I think I'm shaking off the fog that's been so heavy for the past eight months. I've never been a planner and I do it now as part of business process but lists don't run my life. It just takes me longer to do things, get over things...

I know this change in spirits is a sign of better days. The thing about internal locus of control is, instead of dwelling on what I could've done to prevent this gloom, I should've focused on what I was feeling and dealt with that. Ah well, live and learn.

Monday, July 13, 2009

ennui go ennui go

I think the past months has seen a real ennui come over me. Nothing seemed to be going right and I just felt uninspired.

It's changing for me now, but it's amazing what a little perspective can do for you. Even though I do have an internal locus of control, things just seemed to spiral downwards. I'm starting to feel the sunshine on my skin and that lightness in my step that I've been missing. How to shrug the gloomies:

- Dance to the Wiggles' "Dance your gloomies away" (yes, it is a real song)
- You can lie there and beat yourself up over things, but the sooner you get to acceptance the sooner you can move on
- If you can't change anything, change everything and everything changes
- Back to basics, prioritise - What keeps you up at night? What gets you out of bed the next morning?
- Close your eyes and smile. The simple act does two things, calms you down and the smiling releases endorphines.

I think I need a new morning song.


I was surfing the net and stumbled across a Meekakitty. For all fans Meekakitty, I'll chuck a picture or two up. I have to say, I'm a fan but I liked old Meekakitty. She seems to have lost that spark... I still enjoy the vids but I'm hoping that the magic comes back.

MEEEEOW. Just sayin'.